Bogusevschi, D., Bratu, M., Ghergulescu, I., Muntean, C. H., & Muntean, G.-M. (2018). Primary School STEM Education: Using 3D Computer-based Virtual Reality and Experimental Laboratory Simulation in a Physics Case Study. In IPeTEL workshop IICE conference (p. 5).
An educational application, Water Cycle in Nature, that focuses on physics phenomena such as vaporisation and condensation, was employed in a small-scale pilot carried out in a primary school in Ireland, as part of the European Horizon 2020 NEWTON project. 3D immersive computer-based virtual reality and experimental laboratory simulation are part of this application. 58 primary school children took part in this pilot. The goal of the study presented in this paper was to assess the learner experience and usability of the Water Cycle in Nature application. The results analysis shows that most children found the application useful and enjoyable in learning the presented topics.