Ghergulescu, I., Flynn, C., & O’Sullivan, C. (2015b). Adaptemy Science: Adaptive Learning for Science for Next Generation Classroom (pp. 1477–1482). Presented at the E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
This paper proposes Adaptemy Science, and adaptive learning environment for science for the next generation classroom. Adaptemy Science is built on existing research on adaptive learning and technologies for classroom and integrates the latest pedagogical advances and innovation in learning and teaching science. Adaptemy Science aims to provide adaptive, personalized, fun and engaging science learning experiences, to improve the science learning outcomes, and empower teachers. The feasibility of Adaptemy Science was investigated with teachers within a focus group. The teachers acknowledged the suitability and the benefits of the proposed solution.